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for the climate?

That's Hot

That's Hot

The biggest climate wins happen when we work together. Across Australia, countless groups are driving change, and when you volunteer, you’re not just taking action, you’re building community.

Good for you and the planet

There are plenty of climate and environmental organisations across the country working to drive change - but who need people power to help their vision for the future come to life. If you've got the time to donate, volunteering is a powerful way to directly support the causes you care about most.

Plus, it embeds you into an organisation of like-minded people who share your passions. There's no better way to find your climate community.

Apply for an advertised volunteer role

More formal volunteer roles  might require certain skills or experience. You can find roles on job boards like Ethical Jobs or Seek Volunteer.

Seek Volunteer

Join an existing organisation, community group or network

Many organisations and groups are made up of volunteer members. Joining as a member usually means a less formal 'role' and can be more flexible in terms of commitment. The CANA members list is a good place to start looking for Australian climate groups and networks.

Discover Organisations

Reach out to an organisation

If you have specific skills to offer an organisation, don’t wait for a job posting. DM/email them  and offer your help!

Finding the right fit

Not every opportunity is the opportunity for you. Look for:

  • A cause that aligns with what you care about
  • A role that lets you use your skills (or build new ones!)
  • A community that energises and inspires you

Because volunteering isn’t just about doing good. It’s about finding your place in the movement!

Yep, volunteering what's next?