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Take Action

The best climate action is the kind that is based on your own passions and utilises your own skills. There's really no right or wrong way to address the climate crisis (unless it involves burning more fossil fuels!).

It can be pretty daunting thinking about what needs to be done to prevent potentially catastrophic levels of global warming - especially when so much is dependent on government and corporate decision-making. But there’s so much we can do as individuals to make this change easier and faster. So let’s do it!

Take action...

Day to  day

We spend a large majority of our life at work, school and uni, so when you’re thinking about how you can add a bit more climate action to your life, these’s areas are a pretty great place to start.

Make changes in your workplace

Effort Level

What if you could drive change from your current job, and accelerate your company's decarbonisation initiatives? With WorkforClimate's guidance, you can.


Find a job in climate and sustainability

Effort Level

Maybe you're more interested in working for an organisation that's purpose is to drive change?

Find climate jobs

Join a youth climate organisation like the AYCC or Tomorrow Movement

Effort Level

The youth climate movement are a powerful force demanding impactful solutions to the climate crisis. Join them. Learn from them. Help them fight for a liveable future.

Consider a career in climate

Effort Level

Since you're thinking about the future, have you considered a career in climate?

Take action...

In Public

You might just be one person, but there are ways you can show up that puts collective pressure on the system. When we do this together, we can drive powerful systems change.


Protesting raises public awareness, puts pressure on governments and corporations to shift policies AND builds collective power. It drives urgent action on climate change through visibility, disruption, and demand for change.

This if for you if...

  • You want to feel a powerful sense of community, solidarity, and shared purpose
  • You can physically be there. Most protests will prioritise accessibility, but please don't feel pressured to participate if they don't work for your needs


Signing petitions demonstrates public support, pressures decision-makers, and helps drive policy change. They show governments and corporations that climate action is a priority for many people.

This if for you if...

  • You want to take action but can’t protest - petitions are an accessible way to make your voice heard
  • You want to throw your support behind a specific cause close to your heart
  • You're time-poor


Voting is one of the most impactful individual actions you can take. By electing leaders who prioritise action, your vote can help influence laws, funding, and decisions that impact our planet’s future.

This if for you if...

  • You're an Australian citizen and can vote in local, state and federal elections
  • You want to be represented by someone who will push for climate action from within the government
Check out Build a Ballot
Take action...

At home

There are plenty of ways you can be more sustainable and climate-focused at home. Too many to list here. These actions are the most impactful in terms of reducing your carbon footprint, but we encourage you to do anything and everything else that helps our planet thrive.

Do it once, set and forget

These actions are highly impactful, but super low effort. You truly have no excuse not to do them.

Check your super

Bad news: your retirement money could be funding fossil fuel, gambling or weapons companies. Good news: when you use an ethical super fund, it's only invested in the good stuff, like renewable energy (all while growing for your future)!

Compare super funds

Check your bank

Much like super funds, there are plenty of banks that fund coal, oil, and gas companies. Banks are only as powerful as their customers, so when you move banks, you send them a powerful message that funding fossil fuels is not hot.

Compare banks

Check your electricity

This one's a little more obvious, but equally as important. You might not be able to put solar panels on your roof, or install a household battery, but you can buy electricity directly from a renewable energy provider. It's the easy way to use clean energy at home.

Green electricity Guide

Make sustainable lifestyle changes

Before we get into these, we have a confession (that I know some of you will agree with). Sometimes it's way easier to take action if someone holding you accountable. We aren't going to check in with you (sorry!), but our friends at Pledge for the Planet will.

They're transforming community spirit into collective climate action through sports and activity challenges that participants pledge to join. If you're looking for your climate community, check them out!

Pledge for the Planet

Consume & waste less

We simply do not need to be purchasing as much as we do, especially when everything we need already exists. This is not to shame you, but to encourage a more conscious level of consumption. Ask yourself if you need it, if can find it second-hand, if you can fix something else, or if you can extend the life of something before throwing it away.

  • Shop second-hand
  • Avoid plastics
  • Compost your green waste at home, use your FOGO bin, or find a community compost bin

Eat a planet-based diet

The term 'planet-based diet' is a new one to us, but something that resonates with the Project Planet team. Our friends at WWF can explain the concept way better than we can, so check out there website here (you can even use the website to plan your planet-based diet).

  • Eat less meat (especially beef and lamb)
  • Eat locally-grown, in-season produce (check out your local farmers market)
  • Minimise processed and packaged foods

Re-think transport

Our dream cities are the ones where public transport options are abundant, and where walkways and bike paths are prioritised over roads. We don't all live in those cities, but where possible, try switching to greener transport options, like public transport or cycling. It helps the planet and makes our cities cleaner and less stressful to navigate.

  • Fly less
  • Use public transport, walk or cycle where possible
  • If you can, consider an electric vehicle or bike

Action plan ready! What else can I do?

Coming soon!

10 weeks. 10 actions. 10 lessons.

Launching soon

Push your mind to the limit* with our 10 week climate bootcamp. Learn everything you need to know about the climate crisis, what Australia has (or hasn’t) done and what you can do to get involved.

*You mind may or may not get pushed to the limit. You will learn some pretty crazy stats though (spoiler: a lot of them are about Australia being awful at climate action)

Get involved