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The first step to doing is understanding

Knowing what's going on is the first step to figuring out how to fix it. And for successfully talking to your family members who think nuclear is best the solution for Australia (spoiler, it's not)!

Level 1

Climate 101

Everything you need to know about climate change

The Climate Council has a great range of resources breaking down all the climate basics, busting myths and explaining where things stand in Australia right now.

Check out the 'Climate Resources' tab on their website.

Climate resources

Find and follow climate social media accounts

Put your doom-scrolling to good use by adding some climate content to your social scrolls.

It doesn't have to be all news and doom, there are heaps of funny, inspiring and thought-provoking accounts to keep you engaged and inspired.

Discover accounts

Climate news and actions delivered straight to your inbox

Yes, this is a plug to our own newsletter. It's where our hottest takes on the news of the month live. Need I say more...

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Level 2:

Dig Deeper

Explore the climate library!

We’ve put together a collection of our favourite climate books, podcasts, documentaries and other resources. Read, watch, share, enjoy (and please let us know what you’re loving)!

Check it out
Level 3

Spread the word

Share online content

Are we going to solve climate change with Instagram stories? Maybe not. But it's still an easy way to kick-start convos and remind your community (and the guy liking your stories) that climate needs our attention.

Start a climate conversation

Imagine a Tupperware® party but instead of selling plastic containers, you're talking about climate. Climate for Change has great resources to start, host or join a climate conversation.

Check them out

Download our climate conversation cards

Ok, we’ve misled you slightly because we haven’t actually made these yet - but are you interested? Fill out the form if you are and we’ll pop this on our to-do list.

Thanks! We'll let you know when these are ready to go!
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Ok, Brain's full, what's next?