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What can I do to help?

It's getting hotter (and not in a good way), but there’s still time to make a difference.

We’ve broken down everything you need to know about getting active on climate.

We help you find the best kind of climate action  for you

The best climate action for you will be the one that sits at the centre of your own personal Venn diagram. Remember, what works for you might not work for the next person, and that's okay.

What's important is that you find the actions that are best for you, and stick to them.

For as long as possible.

PS. Thanks to Dr Ayana Elizabeth Johnson for the Venn diagram!

Every Fraction of a degree matters. Everything we do matters.

Climate change may be overwhelming, but we can't let doom win. While a certain level of warming - and the tragic consequences that brings - is unfortunately inevitable, we can still decide how bad (or good!) it gets. The future we leave for generations to come is up to us.

The horrors persist but so do we

The climate crisis is terrifying, but we don't have to face it alone. Follow us on Instagram or TikTok or sign up to our newsletter for climate news and high-impact actions delivered straight to your inbox.

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